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    August 21, 2019
    Take Me Out to the Yankees Game – Robotti Next Generation Event Recap

    On Friday, August 2, we held a NextGen event for our valued existing investors and their next of kin. The event was at Yankees stadium in  a private suite for the Yankees / Red Sox game. The goal was to educate our investors’ families about what we do – value investing – how we do it and why it matters, kind of like a “back to basics”. Bob and a sub-set of our talented investment team spoke on a structured panel before the game.


    We won on many levels (not just the Yankees beating the Red Sox). First, to be able to have a suite full of our loyal investors, many of whom have been with the firm for most of their and their children’s lives is a statement of its own about the Robotti family culture and the nature of the investor relationships we cultivate. Second, we were afterwards informed that many of the topics covered did in fact succeed in educating those who attended. Third, surrounded by the legacy of Yankee Stadium, we could not help but imbibe the legacy of the Robotti team, investors included, and the event certainly will create a valued memory (and hopefully new  tradition). Below are some photos from the event. In addition, two of our panelists, Theo van der Meer and Dan Grzywacz, recap their key messages from the panel in the video links below.






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