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    January 27, 2021
    Curtis Jensen discusses the ‘Corporate Hexagon’ and the Advantages of ‘Public’ Private Equity – Read Now

    “The tendency to go to excess seems to stem from something inherent in human nature, as does the remarkable failure to draw lessons from past experience.”

    – Robert E. Rubin, In an Uncertain World

    In his year-end commentary, Portfolio Manager Curtis Jensen discusses the ‘Corporate Hexagon’ and the Advantages of ‘Public’ Private Equity:

    • The Corporate Hexagon – What exactly is the corporate hexagon? How does it relate to ‘rational’ investing and owner operator companies? Is ESG a factor?
    • Views on a “publicly-listed version” of private equity: How does our version of ‘public PE’ confer some important advantages over conventional private equity?

    What is ‘Mark to Myth’?

    In addition, Curtis importantly addresses the current investment landscape akin to ‘the Wall Street casino’ and ‘Super Bowl XX in 1986’ as it impacted overly confident bookies.


    Please email us at ir@robotti.com for the full letter and additional insights.

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