About Us
Just about one week until we are off to Omaha! Please join members of the Robotti team as we present, host and/or sponsor events in Omaha, Nebraska from May 2 – May 4, 2019:
(1) Thursday, May 2: Bob Robotti will be presenting at the 16th Annual Value Investor Conference – Omaha and will be available to answer questions afterwards. (http://www.valueinvestorconference.com/valueinvestorpresenters.html)
(2) Friday, May 3: We will be co-sponsoring the Variant Perspectives: Women in Value Investing conference and networking event, where the original founders (Bob Robotti and Robotti alum, Stephanie Baas) will be acknowledged. (http://variantperspectives.com/)
(3) Saturday, May 4: We will be hosting our Annual Luncheon – Omaha; please let us know if you will be in the area by emailing @IR@Robotti.com.
All of these events provide a great opportunity to come meet Bob and the team, ask questions and learn more about Robotti & Co. We hope to see you there!