About Us
November 17, 2021
Upcoming Robotti Annual Meetings
You are invited to our upcoming Robotti Annual Meetings. This year we are hosting 2 separate virtual meetings and we hope you can join both.
November 19, 2021 at 12pm ET – join Bob Robotti, Curtis Jensen, David Kessler and Theo van der Meer. You must register in advance through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8KCXR5C9SG-vBRFc29liDA
December 1, 2021 at 12pm ET – join Isaac Schwartz in his Global Strategy Discussion. You must register in advance through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WdutHoKzTp-lYNUeD8mE8Q
If you are having any problem registering, please reach out to ir@robotti.com and we will assist.